Monday, October 17, 2011

Help Expose This Orphanage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The least graphic picture I could have shared.  A child who had severe burns, left on a dirty floor.  She went 13 days without her wounds being treated.
Part of the reason I went down to Haiti was to meet this girl my age named Megan Boudreaux. She started a school for children who are pretty much slaves. We wanted to see if SafeWorld could help in any way.  Megan is also the primary caretaker of two girls, former slaves. If raising these girls in a language she's only been speaking for ten months, while trying to run a school for the first time wasn't hard enough, she is also trying to save the lives of children in a downright evil environment. The Son of God Orphanage in Haiti had 53 children go "missing" from October 2010 to March 2011.  They are trafficking children and even trafficking children's organs!!!  There was a five year old there who only weighed 11lbs due to starvation!!!  Along with her two girls, Megan was caring for a young boy from this orphanage named Gabriel.  Megan worked with the police to bust this orphanage, only to have the police take Gabriel AWAY from her, and the orphanage to REMAIN OPEN!  Haiti is corrupt.  Even though the orphanage has known trafficking (sexual and organ), known abuse, known neglect, it is still open.  Megan is petitioning CNN to expose these atrocities.  The government won't act so we are going to the media.  I am begging you to share this with all of your friends, coworkers, family.  Here is the petition: 

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