Thursday, July 12, 2012

Nothing is Simple

   O......K.............. so the Michael Salman case doesn't look as simple as he makes it out to be.  I read an article that he registered this "friend group" of his as a nonprofit.  That does kind of change things.  Honestly I don't know how I feel about the whole thing anymore.  Watching friends on facebook comment on this issue, I feel like I need a law degree to fully grasp the situation.  Nothing is as simple as it seems.
   I partly blame my zeal on The History Channel's series "AMERICA The Story of Us".  You have GOT to watch it.  It's not so much "what" happened, but "how" things happened.  I seriously got teary when they talked about Lexington and Concord and how these sixty "nobodies" stood up to the strongest army in the world, knowing they would most likely die.  I feel like no one stands up for anything anymore.  When I saw what I thought was a simple issue of an American losing the basic right to assemble and worship, I didn't want to not take a stand.  Looking at the rest of the world too, and how dangerous it is to be a Christian, it scared me that this man seriously might have to start an underground church in America.
   I promise not to take up anymore space in your inboxes unless I really really REALLY feel we need to take a stand on something- like the closing of The Son of God Orphanage last year.  I'm so thankful people stood up for that, and those children are in much safer, healthier environments.
   I love painting and all.  I think it will be fun for a season and it's an absolute miracle to say I'm doing it full-time, but I really miss working for a humanitarian organization!  I want to DO something that CHANGES lives.  I think this being such a strong desire in my heart, and for so long, God has plans for me in that direction.  I'm not actively looking for jobs anymore, but if you hear of something, specifically know someone somewhere, definitely give me a call.  Also, with painting my schedule is WAY flexible.  I was able to help out Starscape Media at the City Invasions concert a couple weeks ago, which I would not have been able to do otherwise.  I got to be on stage with P.O.D., set-up and watch interviews with artists like Brian Welch and Flame, interview people from the audience, run the camera a bit, then see dozens of people accept Christ and ask to be baptized right there!  It was the longest day and something like 113 degrees outside and I LOVED IT!  So even if you just know of some temporary work that looks cool, let me know.  Maybe I do stuff like that and paint for awhile.  My life doesn't have to be simple either.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Romans 4

   So I'm kind of making myself blog right now.  1. Technology gets on my nerves and I can't even figure out how to change the background on this.  2. Life gets on my nerves right now.  
   Still, as much as I complain and am bitter about pretty much every area of my life right now, I can't deny God is taking care of me and up to something... though I don't HAVE A CLUE what.  This is a good way of making me think about the positive, annnnnd it glorifies Him.  So.
   Since May I've been in Bristol bouncing from house to house.  I think I moved for the fifth or sixth time today since then, but here I go, already complaining.  I was so sure I was going to get a job at this disabled adult group home in Dallas.  My brother is in a pretty good group home (so I thought), but I never felt like that was my calling.  Only in the last couple months have I thought about doing that.  Then, when I found this home, and they got back to me right away and were so excited to talk to me, I thought, "Wow.  This place is amazing!  This is how EVERY group home should be run.  Of course I never thought of working in a group home, because they are not doing what they are supposed to do when you hold them up to this place! They like me; this HAS to be what God intended!"  If you know anyone with a disabled child, who doesn't know what the answer is for them as adults, Cornerstone Ranch is the answer.  I could go on and on about this place, and why what they are doing is so profound.  You can check out their website for yourself and watch this video to get a snippet of everything.
They even wanted to start a GIANT art program this year.  It was so many of my different talents/passions coming together.  I knew this was what God planned.  But..... I didn't get the job.
   Plan B.735 was to just up and move to Savannah.  If I had to waitress, I might as well waitress at the beach.  A couple things happened and made me wonder if that was the best thing to do after all.  I literally seemed to have no good options before me.  I was completely dumbfounded as to what God had next.
   Last week, while house-sitting, I met this doctor/surgeon out walking.  When asked what I did, my response was, "I am homeless and unemployed." (I quit my waitressing job here when I thought I was moving to Savannah.)  He thought that was fascinating.  When asked where I saw myself in five years, my response was, "no. frickin'. idea."  
"That's AMAZING!" he said.  "I have got to have you over so my daughters and wife can meet you."  I looked at him like he was crazy, but the next night they had me over for supper.  He sat me down with his family and said, "OK, well..... just start from the beginning. Where were you born?"  So I sat there and told them everything significant.  I said how I have told God time and time again I'll go and do whatever He wants, how I've seen Him do some phenomenal things the last two years, but still.... here I am unemployed and living on other people's goodwill.  After spending most of the evening with them, they told me, "well we have this farm past the racetrack, and the carriage house there will be totally free for a month.  You're welcome to stay there for free."  Again, right when I think I'm at the end of my rope, God provides in some absurd way that I never would have thought of.  These people had known me for a matter of hours.
   But yes.  Here I am.  Today I moved into a place that I can "kind of" call my own for the first time in a couple months.  The place is beautiful!   My new friends also had me do a painting of their barn on the farm.  I JUST finished.  It was totally God that I got it done as fast as I did and as well as I did.  This is a great example to show people what I can do and get more business.  So that's my plan.  It's only a month long, but for the time being I am painting in a carriage house.  Again, God is taking care of me by giving me a lot of painting orders all of a sudden.  Yesterday, I even had my work hung in a gallery for the first time.  Very cool.  Very legit.  It's at Star Trails Downtown in Kingsport, TN.  I also still have paintings at Drip Coffee in Columbia, SC.  I really need to stop, forget about everything else, and think about how cool this is.  As a little kid I wanted to be an artist when I grew up.  I'm barely getting by, but with God's help, that's what I am.  How awesome if this actually continues to work out?  God would be the only reason I was able to make it as an artist during these hard times.  I have to have FAITH He knows what He's doing.
   So.  Please think of me when you need a wedding gift, grandparent gift, baby shower gift, are redecorating your home.  I can paint your dad his hot rod he fixed up for years, paint where your parents got engaged, paint your girlfriend's favorite flowers, paint your pet, paint a mural in your kitchen, WHATEVER.  If you'd like to help me out but can't think of what you would get, I HAVE A MILLION IDEAS!  Thanks to everyone who has already helped, it means SO much.

Here is the family's photograph of the farm:
 Here is my painting:

  He did not weaken in faith when he considered the [utter] impotence of his own body, which was as good as dead because he was about a hundred years old, or [when he considered] the barrenness of Sarah’s [deadened] womb.
  No unbelief or distrust made him waver (doubtingly question) concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong and was empowered by faith as he gave praise and glory to God,
  Fully satisfied and assured that God was able and mighty to keep His word and to do what He had promised.

-Romans 4:19-21