Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Haiti Day 4

I have decided there is just too much going on and too many awesome stories to write in a day, from a day.  For now I am just going to give the basics of what we did.  Once we're home I'll start to share some stories and details.
Yesterday I felt sick from malaria medicine and we were up late chasing a rat around the house.  He still eludes us.  (I am a little nervous as I type this right now.)  This is my excuse for not blogging.
During the day yesterday we helped work on the school for Heartline staff's children.  They start school Monday.  It will save the staff a lot of time not having to drive them all over the place for school.  We are going to be doing more of that tomorrow.  
Today was filled with so much stuff/people/stories.  I'm going to bullet point it so I'll remember and then talk more about it later:
-We got a tour of Heartline's sewing center.  You can buy online at www.haitiancreations.com.  
-Rachel and I hung out at the Heartline's maternity center all day, learning how that works.
-Jordanna and Sarah were at some kind of hospital called Medishare all day watching an american couple's newborn baby so they could get some sleep and clean up.
-We had dinner with a bunch of staff, their kids, and the ladies and children at Harbor House.  This was really cool.
-We ended the day watching the documentary Babies. :)  Appropriate.
-I wish I could tell you every little thing I am learning/experiencing right now but it would take the entire night!

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to hearing more of the stories, experiences, thoughts, and details from all 4 of you as you can process and share what you are doing, hearing, seeing, and feeling. Praising God for how He is molding and changing you all through this trip!
